How to Succeed in a Remote Chief of Staff Role

The future of remote work is a frequent topic for discussion in most professional circles, but one question I am often asked is, “Is remote work possible for the Chief of Staff role?” I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: The answer is YES!

While this may vary by position, individual, or executive, there’s increasing potential for a virtual Chief of Staff for an organization regardless of location. However, there are important considerations to land a remote Chief of Staff role and succeed in it—and many of these principles also apply to office jobs.

Frequent Communication Required

Consistent touchpoints are essential. Make sure to prioritize a regular, well-timed meeting with your leader and their EA to keep your finger on the pulse of their priorities. If you’re working in a larger company, this may also include regular meetings with other members of the leadership team and your peers, such as other Chiefs of Staff.

Foster Strong Relationships

Office-style relationships are still consequential: Does your teammate have a cat that jumps onto the Zoom screen? Did they mention their kiddo(s) on the call? Use these online moments to build meaningful connections and relationships with your colleagues that can translate into faster, more effective workflows and more productive 1:1 meetings.

Maintain Your Leader’s Focus

You’ll need to find a way to keep your leader’s focus on crucial tasks: Every leader’s process is personal and tailored to their own functions and personality. In a remote position, you’ll need to figure out the best method and tools to get signoffs, present information to your leader, and connect with their EA. Figuring out the best way to achieve these goals may require trial and error before it’s perfected.

Utilize Technology

Technology is your best friend: No team member wants a constant barrage of emails to keep them updated. A remote CoS should be mindful of tools that streamline communication, document key priorities and projects, and maintain consistent access to their leader.

Navigating a remote Chief of Staff role comes with its own set of challenges, but it is possible for you to thrive in a remote CoS position with enough intention, planning, and flexibility. Many Chiefs of Staff provide seamless support to their leaders from remote locations all over the world.

For helpful tools and templates to facilitate remote work (or work in general), check out our Free Resource Library. To learn more about Nova’s Chief of Staff Certification course, download the Syllabus.


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