Love Letter To: Chief of Staff From: Executive Assistant

A sweet series of love letters written by Nova’s Founder, Maggie Olson.

Letter 2

In the fast-paced world of executive leadership, the relationship between an Executive Assistant and a Chief of Staff is vital. It's a partnership built on trust, communication, and shared goals to serve the leader. This letter acknowledges that partnership. It’s the second in a series of ‘Love Letters’ featured on Nova’s blog.


Dear Chief of Staff,

I guess it’s you and me now, which is a big change. For so long, it was just our leader and me. I was their go-to, their confidant, their second set of eyes. It’s different now. And that’s ok, but please understand it can be challenging:

  • Someone with new ideas

  • Changing what I know

  • So fast

  • And so different.

I’m sorry I’ve been a bit closed off. A bit territorial. But you have to understand, I care deeply about my work. And the success of our leader. I can’t let just anyone in. But you’re not anyone. I know, I know. I’m going to remember what you said—we’re partners. And I’m going to do better. I’ll do my best to:

  • Teach you what I do, and what I know

  • Help you understand how I can help

  • Speak up and weigh in

  • Remind you of how people are feeling

  • And support you in driving needed change in our organization.

I’ll do my best not to feel threatened. After all, I know you’re not after my job, just after making everything better. More efficient, as you say. And I’m here to help. Please rely on me. Please bring me into the conversation. Let me help you. Assume the best; I’ve got you. I understand now how our leader needs strategic admin support; they need high-level strategic execution support, too. And I can’t do it all.

So welcome to the team, partner!

Your Executive Assistant


A successful partnership between an Executive Assistant and a Chief of Staff is the cornerstone of a strong leadership team. Follow me on LinkedIn for daily posts about all things Chief of Staff.

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Love Letter To: Executive Assistant From: Your Leader


Love Letter To: Executive Assistant From: Your Chief of Staff