New Mom, New CEO

A note from Nova founder Maggie Olson: How to hack motherhood while leading a business

Finding the balance between work and family is both incredibly challenging and incredibly rewarding. I built Nova Chief of Staff while pregnant with my (almost) one year old son Max, and I’m still in the “messy middle” of figuring out how to adjust how I show up for my work now that I have a baby. 

Like most parents, it’s important for me to be very present at both work and home. That’s even more true as a new business owner. While I’m proud of how it’s going, it’s definitely been difficult at times. 

So, how do I hack being a new mom and a new CEO? I compiled a list of some early successes in hopes that it might help others navigate this balancing act between parenthood and professionalism.

Some highlights of my daily routine include:

Structuring my work hours: To maintain a structured routine, I maintain set work hours. This helps me focus during work time and be fully present with my son when I'm at home. I work from around 11 am to 5 pm. Limiting my hours helps me focus 100 percent on work while I’m on the clock, so to speak.

Packing lunch: I bring my lunch every day. This simple act of packing leftovers helps me stay focused on the work at hand.

Hitting the gym: My gym routine is a non-negotiable part of my day. I likely don’t have to tell you how beneficial regular exercise is for your mental and physical well being. My time at the gym allows me to show up for myself and provides the mental clarity needed to excel in both my roles.

Prioritizing quality playtime: Of course, quality time with Max is a main priority. I ensure I have three to four hours of awake time with Max daily, letting him lead the fun.

Practicing flexibility: I'll work a weekend morning if necessary. And if I am feeling disconnected from Max I will take a weekday off. I check in with myself often and adjust my schedule as needed. I recommend others do the same!

Strategic planning: Quarterly, I have a business retreat offsite (party of one) where I can focus 100 percent of my time on major initiatives and strategic planning that helps to grow Nova.

Work batching for meetings and flow: My schedule is easy to adjust because I batch my work. My meeting days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my creative/flow days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Allowing three days of flexibility in my week has been crucial in my journey.

Setting boundaries: Boundaries are key to balance. I consciously try to be done working when I get home. If I need to tackle tasks after Max goes to bed, I intentionally plan for that.

Celebrating milestones: Celebrating achievements, big or small, is incredibly helpful. It keeps the motivation high and adds joy to the journey. When Nova hit 200 students last month, you better believe I did a little happy dance in the living room with Max, and celebrated over a yummy meal with my husband. 

Practicing gratitude: I practice gratitude daily. I am consistently thankful for the privilege of having a schedule that allows me to be there for Max while doing work that fulfills me. The easiest way I've learned to add a gratitude practice into my routine is by thinking of three things I'm grateful for before I go to bed each night.

Getting perspective: When I gauge how things are going, I focus on the average across a few days or a week, and try to give myself grace on specifically hard days. If I look back across the previous week and I'm feeling connected to my family, present for Max, and on top of things at work that's a win. Even if a few individual days were hard.

I’m of course not perfect at abiding to this list. Some days are a real struggle. But by intentionally navigating these choices, I've found some stability in blending my roles as a new mom and a new CEO. Sharing these insights, I hope, can help other people pursuing professional goals during the journey of parenthood.


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